6th Grade Accomplishments!




Hi! 🌻 Thank you for looking at my blog 🙂

Today I’m going to be talking about what I feel I have accomplished in 6th grade, 

(so far!) 

  1. I’m really proud of how I’ve been able to get to all of my classes on time! It sounds like a fairly simple thing to do, but I’ve never had to go to different classes, so this is completely new for me!  


  1. I’ve really surprised myself with how prepared I am for class with all of my supplies!  It’s crazy how much stuff you have to bring on a daily basis to school! I’m pretty happy with my routine for getting all of my things together in the morning before school too! 

~before I go to bed I charge my iPad for the next day (actually I do this every day! Not just in-person days!)

~In the morning I get my backpack from upstairs and all of my notebooks and journals.

~I put my lunch and an extra jacket in my bag, now that it’s getting cold.

~Make sure I have an extra charger, my keyboard, and my stylus

~I zip up my bag, and leave for school!


  1. This is another accomplishment that doesn’t seem huge, but it’s important to me because I have never had to do this before!  My accomplishment is that I feel like I do really well with all of the COVID-19 protocols, though they are mandatory and are done every day. It is truly hard to work with them and do the things you need and want to do while being safe.  I think I’ve done really well with social distancing, mask wearing, cleaning my desk for every class, and washing my hands and using hand sanitizer every time I walk into a room!   I’m proud of this accomplishment because I have made these rules habits for myself, and I remind others as much as I can too.
  2. The last accomplishment I want to share is that I have created a dedicated space or online school! It’s really important for me to have a routine, so having this was a really important accomplishment.  Every remote day I go to my desk, sit down, and check my google classroom so I know what I need to get done that day!! 


                         Thank you for reading my post through! ✨🌻


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