Window or Mirror?

Hi there! Thanks for checking out my blog post!

Today I am going to be talking about a book I have recentley read called “Girls with Sharp Sticks” By Suzanne Young.  This book is about a group of girls going to boarding school.  The teachers and staff sheild the girls from the world and try to keep them from truly learning about the world they live on.  But soon the main character starts to interact with someone from the outside world, everything begins to get more dangerous from there. As the girls get older they begin to realize something is very, very wrong with the boarding school and they continue to uncover many more secrets.

The book was definetley a window into another world for me because I have never expeirienced such a strict boarding school, or one at all!  I also am not a teenager nor an adult, which all of the characters are. This was a very interesting book for me because it highlited some issued we have in the real world, I could relate to those because I have seen them in my actual life.  Though this book is fiction, many problems we deal with today are similair to some of the more subtle problems in the book.

After really reviewing this book thoroughly I think I can say that this was both a window, and a mirror for me.  The book in general is a complete window, but the more I think and learn about this book the more I can realte some of the dilemmas in the book, to some in real life.

Thank you so much for reading through my blog post! I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day!