Frances Dowell Blog Post!


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Hello! Today I wanted to talk about My Frances Dowell story that I have had the chance to work on for a while now!

Some things I learned from Frances are how to make a successful background check! I had never done one before, and I didn’t realize how helpful it was to have when you are tryng to teach your reader about the characters in your story! Another thing I learned from Frances is how incredibly important detail is.  I have worked really hard to include detail in my story so that it comes to life and really makes the reader understand the story I am trying to tell.  It feels so crazy that I got to learn these amazing elements of a story from a real successful author!!

Getting feedback from Frances was beyond helpful because I got to figure out what needed to be changed or just what my story could add to make it overall a better story.  A big thing I learned from hearing my peers stories and then hearing Frances talk about it is how detail will effect your story.  For example, a lack of detail will make your story hard to connect with or understand, but on the other hand having detail will let your reader understand the characters, settings, and problems a lot better!  The feedback that I gathered from Frances is detail, (like I said) and creating a more thorough background check for my main characters.

I am very proud of my story. I didn’t think I could actually write something that interests someone else.  I forget sometimes how much I like writing and how happy it makes me, so thank you so much Frances! I want to continue to write stories in all different genres and I want to  be able to be good at not just creative writing, but writing for schoolwork.  Thank you so much Frances!!  I’m so lucky I got to meet you and get help from you for a story of my own!

2 thoughts on “Frances Dowell Blog Post!

  1. This was a really strong 4 paragraph post! I liked how you described what you were proud about, and how Fracnes helped you with the story! Great job, Summi! 🌸✨

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